It is impossible to say how to lose lower belly fat. It is like trying to find a needle in a haystack! The problem with losing belly fat is that most people simply do not know how to lose it effectively. They are so far out of touch with how to get rid of stomach fat that they think they have found a magic pill, but that's just not the case.

Lower stomach fat can be difficult to get rid of if you do not follow a proper plan. The reason this is such an issue is because the fat cells that gather around the lower belly are also known as beta-amyloid fat cells, and these are actually very resistant to diet and exercise. You see, when you eat sugary foods, or foods which contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, your body becomes confused as to what to do with the excess calories. Therefore, instead of burning up the excess calories as fat, the body goes into panic mode and starts to store them away as body fat.
Sugar and alcohol are also very detrimental to weight gain. For a long time, it was believed that alcohol was great for helping you to stay awake, focused and alert - and thus great for keeping your weight low. However, research has proven that alcohol does NOT help you stay focused or make you more alert. In fact, studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and poor cognitive function. That means that if you drink alcohol on a regular basis, you will be damaging your brain to the point where it may even cause memory loss and affect your thinking as well.
As far as how to shed those stubborn pounds, diet and exercise are the most important factors. There is a right way and a wrong way to burn calories. You see, in order to reduce your weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. But you also need to consume an amount of calories that can sustain you until such time as you lose the weight. And this is where diet and exercise come into play. By learning how to eat the right foods, while not taking in too much, you can achieve the best results in weight loss and permanent weight control.
It would also be beneficial to ask your doctor or nutritionist about how much of a certain type of food should be taken during a specific diet or exercise program. For example, if you were asked to choose a certain amount of calories from the Dr. Oz diet pyramid, it would be prudent to choose the bottom two spots. Foods that fall between these two points on the pyramid should be eaten in moderation. Dr. Oz recommends that dieters take in about 3500 calories a day. This is where you would want to limit your intake of, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats. These types of foods contain the highest levels of dietary fiber and are the foundation for a sound weight loss plan.
If you love alcohol, you are doing yourself a disservice. Statistics show that nearly half of all adult drinkers do so because they love alcohol. And drinking in excess does nothing but add to your belly's fat problem. Studies show that alcoholics who drink heavily to do so in an effort to numb the pain of their illness or to forget their addiction. The end result is that they end up with an even heavier belly and a poorer ability to live their life normally because they have let drinking ruin their lives.
If you are constantly feeling stressed out, you may have a difficult time losing weight. Many experts believe that excessive amounts of stress can contribute to excess abdominal fat. One way to help lessen the effects of stress is to eat a high protein diet. Your body will be able to burn more fat as it has more protein to power muscle-burning processes. A high protein diet also helps you feel full longer, something that can lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.
Drinks such as coffee, soda and even red wine can have a negative effect on your weight management efforts. These beverages are typically high in calories, have little nutrition and often have empty calories like sugar. You need to be consuming a balanced diet full of healthy proteins and high calorie, low fat foods in order to experience lasting weight loss results. Drink moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages, but stay clear of sugary foods and you will soon see results on your own.
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