Five Guys Nutrition is a diet and fitness company started by three guys in their twenties. The business combines their love for food and their technical expertise to create delicious, healthy meals. They call their meals Five Guys Nutrition because each meal is made from only the best ingredients, with an equal emphasis on protein, carbohydrates, and fat. In addition, they offer a variety of special diets and weight management plans.

Five Guys Nutrition is operated out of a one room, furnished with a counter, a refrigerator, a soda machine, a grill, a microwave, a pizza oven, and a book rack. The counter is manned by an experienced chef, who also serves as the company's consultant. He gives people interested in Five Guys nutrition Cafes and menus an idea of what it takes to run their own business. There are several Five Guys nutrition bars scattered throughout the grounds of the company's one-room business. Each has its own menu of burgers, hot dogs, fries, shakes, sodas, salads, and desserts.
A typical Five Guys Nutrition Cafe meal has about thirty grams of fat and two hundred calories. Surprisingly, it also has just twenty grams of carbohydrates, mainly bread and lettuce. Because Five Guys nutrition bars have low-calorie and fat-free ingredients, they don't cause any weight gain, even during weight loss. Many diet plans recommend cutting carbohydrates to lose weight, but if you stay on your bread, cereal, and soda diet, your body will not burn those calories. Since most Five Guys nutrition bars contain only fifty grams of carbs and forty grams of protein, you can get the weight you want without burning calories, too.
The majority of the food served at Five Guys nutrition cafes comes in the form of either a shake or a sandwich. Shakes consist of one large or two small servings. A sandwich consists of whole wheat bread with two to three crackers inside. You can get a vegetarian sandwich or one that contains ham or another protein such as turkey. It is important to read the nutritional information on the back of the container to make sure you are getting enough of the right things.
Most of the Five Guys nutrition menus are available with a choice of dip. The shakes are a delicious alternative to the traditional fruit drink, which can be high in calories. The regular shake can contain up to eighty five calories and sometimes has additional health benefits, like increased energy and immunity from viruses. You can order the blend ins instead of the regular items, which are available in various flavors, to boost the flavor. Some of the flavors include banana, chocolate, coconut, blueberry, peanut butter, spinach, and watermelon.
The secret customer who ordered the chicken chili with peppers last week also wanted a healthy option. She had been trying to lose weight, but she didn't care for the chili and wanted something else to eat on her meal. So the ladies behind the counter asked the manager if they could put the nutrition menu on the other menu along with the regular menu. They put the word diet on it and the mystery customer never returned.
Surprisingly, Five Guys Nutrition does offer many different options of entrees that meet your dietary needs. For example, their chili con carne is low in calories and includes generous amounts of vegetables and a healthy amount of meat. Their giant blended gourmet bean cobbler is filled with tasty vegetables, beans, chicken, tofu, cream cheese, bacon, and two types of non-fried macaroni and cheese. And best of all, you don't have to count calories when you order the Five Guys Nutrition Cafes, because all of the ingredients are weighed and included in the serving.
While I was in there, I also noticed that they had a few different vegetarian entrees that also looked delicious. The vegetarian friendly restaurants at Five Guys also had some delicious entrees like their BLT pizza and their mushroom omelet. The vegetarian meals at the Five Guys Nutrition Cafes were quite good, if I'm being honest. However, the fact that they didn't count calories or label the food as fat, it's tough to say that they're any better than the fast food restaurants that are fast becoming Five Guys favorites. I was also hoping that the vegan option would be available, but I wasn't able to find that either.
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